Russia, by challenging NATO expansion and carrying out a Special Operations in Ukraine, has shaken
the foundations of post-Cold War World Order that was characterised by unilateralism, unipolarity and hegemonism. The desperate effort by the West to defeat Russia at any cost has at its core the urge to weaken any
challenger to the West-led World Order. However, the world is witnessing the likelihood of more challengers
emerging in the future. The churning of the current international politics and economy may bring about a more
equitable and just World Order in the future.
India, on its part has taken care not to condemn Russia at any international forum. Despite pressure,
India’s trade with Russia, especially in the energy sector continues at an enhanced scale. India’s growing trade
and economic relations should not be seen as ways just to benefit from the cheaper resources of Russia or helping a long-standing friend during a difficult period. Beyond these limited and short-term benefits, there is a long
term vision of a different world that can emerge in cooperation with Russia.